Get the Rabies Vaccine in Ivybridge


Get the Rabies Vaccine in Ivybridge

We understand the importance of preventive measures against deadly diseases like rabies. That’s why we’re proud to offer human rabies vaccines to our community.

Rabies is a serious viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals, including humans. It’s most commonly spread through the bite of an infected animal, such as dogs, bats, raccoons, and foxes. Once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal. However, with prompt treatment, including vaccination, the disease can be prevented.

Who Should Get Vaccinated?

At Ivybridge Online Pharmacy, we recommend the rabies vaccine for individuals at higher risk of exposure to the virus. This includes:

Veterinarians and Animal Welfare Professionals: Those working closely with animals, such as veterinarians, veterinary technicians, animal shelter workers, and wildlife rehabilitators, are at an increased risk of exposure to rabies. Getting vaccinated is a crucial step in protecting themselves while caring for animals.

Travellers: People travelling to regions where rabies is endemic or where access to medical care may be limited should consider getting vaccinated. This includes travellers exploring rural areas, engaging in outdoor activities, or volunteering with animal rescue organisations abroad.

Laboratory Workers: Professionals working in laboratories handling specimens potentially infected with the rabies virus should also consider vaccination to reduce the risk of accidental exposure.



The Rabies Vaccine for Travel

Travellers should consider getting a rabies vaccine for several reasons:

Exposure to High-Risk Environments: Travellers exploring rural areas, engaging in outdoor activities, or volunteering with animal rescue organisations abroad may encounter animals infected with rabies more frequently than those in urban environments. This increased exposure elevates the risk of being bitten or scratched by an infected animal.

Limited Access to Medical Care: In some regions, particularly remote or developing areas, access to medical care may be limited or unavailable. If a traveller is bitten or scratched by an animal carrying the rabies virus in these areas, immediate medical attention and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may not be readily accessible. In such cases, being vaccinated against rabies beforehand provides an added layer of protection.

Potential Delay in Recognising Symptoms: Rabies has an incubation period that can range from a few days to several years, during which symptoms may not be apparent. If a traveller is exposed to the rabies virus but doesn’t recognise the risk or seek medical attention promptly, the disease may progress to a more severe stage, leading to a fatal outcome. Vaccination prior to travel reduces this risk.

Peace of Mind: Getting vaccinated against rabies before travelling to regions where the disease is prevalent can offer peace of mind to travellers and their loved ones. Knowing that they are protected against this deadly virus allows travellers to focus on enjoying their journey without the worry of potential exposure to rabies.

Travellers should consider getting a rabies vaccine to reduce the risk of contracting the disease in high-risk environments, where access to medical care may be limited, and to provide peace of mind during their travels. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or travel medicine specialist to assess the specific risks associated with the destination and determine the most appropriate preventive measures, including vaccination.


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Getting Vaccinated for Professional Safety

For individuals pursuing careers in the veterinary or animal welfare industry, getting vaccinated against rabies is not only a personal safety measure but also a professional responsibility. It ensures that they can provide care to animals without putting themselves at risk of contracting this deadly disease.

At Ivybridge Online Pharmacy, we understand the importance of convenient access to preventive healthcare services. Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing reliable and efficient services to ensure the health and well-being of our community.

Book an Appointment

The human rabies vaccine is a vital preventive measure against rabies, a deadly viral disease. Whether you work with animals or plan to travel to regions where rabies is prevalent, getting vaccinated is an important step in protecting yourself and your community. If you need to get the rabies vaccine in Ivybridge then please contact us today or book an appointment below. Your health and safety are our priority.


This blog was written on behalf of Ivybridge Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.